Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 05:31 No.80494 del
>Are you a /mu/ fag?
I had the highest post count in the year of 2012, peaking at 11,000. I think after that, things went to Skype/the post-Facebook and /mu/ became a thing of the past.
>a pedro libtard?
Never. I think I had my strongest Stalin affinity living in a brutalist apartment and that romance lasted a couple weeks.
>kennedi's friend?
Yea, at one time. I'd issue an apology for disrespecting certain judgements of hers, if I could.
>a 40 yo sex offender?
... I'm not sure about that but I was always highly respecting of anything sexually related when it came to my female friends online. Just the way I was with people I had intentions of knowing for longer than a day.