Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 17:27 No.81032 del

Check her twitter, she got in an argument with someone (Jeffdman_) and posted an address that probably wasn’t theirs. I stay away from these forums so i honestly have no clue how to upload images and its not working for me lmao, but the tweet is still up

I don’t have proof of it being the same person deleting accounts, but LarsonLeaks876/678 was the original moderator, and they shortly deleted their account after saying they “never would.” LarsonLeak has been accused of stalking Samantha in person (probably untrue) but they’ve been at this for like months or years so it could be cyberstalking or something. Everytime someone comes back and then deletes their account, they have the same strong opinon on her, calling her a fat nazi and other similar terms. I honestly think they might be the person in this thread who brought her up.