nukebloc 07/17/2024 (Wed) 20:22 No.81141 del
Hey Yall

im 24 not 25

havent worked at USPS since last month (fired lol)

not a pedrophile at all, the only proof you'll have of that is me saying crazy shit in public discords, which i've always done

met tinker when I was 23 and she was 18

tinker met FBW through a /soc/ thread like 3 months ago, thats how I met her

she's just in town rn while we fuck around and make silly tiktoks

im not a fun target tbh i dont really have anything you can take away from me. Haven't committed anything resembling a crime, don't plan to, also I don't plan to stop making tiktoks for them, it's funny and i got nothing better to do.

>inb4 reddit spacing