nukebloc 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:12 No.81389 del
I'd go as far as to say that I have done literally nothing wrong. Talking to tinker pissed a lot of her orbiters off, but other than that im genuinely normal and chill and dont have a problem with anyone. Reddit is only here because of my association with FBW, someone I've known since april who I only know through tinker who met her on /soc/ earlier that month. You can call me pathetic because i sold the bottom of crypto and no showed my job, but does that warrant all this anti nuke shit? No, it really doesnt. People are entirely just seething because I've deprived them of their imaginary chances with tinker. Her and I both find it kek, precisely because neither of us have done anything wrong. There is no proof of anything her or I have ever done that is against either the law or really that is that shocking especially in the context of discord or endchan. We're just 2 thug niggas.