tinker 07/18/2024 (Thu) 15:46 No.81543 del
since when do i live off sexual favors? also idk what grifter really means do u mean larper

i disagree with the notion that i or anyone should have to only talk to socially agreeable palatable individuals who one can “publicly endorse”, thats retarded. I actively seek out the most shocking people and situations i can find cause it stimulates me more than talking to whatever nice normal polite people are out there + theres no social rules that i have to be anxious about. At least that was the original draw. that all being said, no one im currently friends with is an evil bad person, shit said online doesnt make it true

weve alrdy clarified this was not what happened, ask mentil if u want bc he knows it isnt. inaccurate tldr

weve been ignoring it, it just gets annoying and gets to us at some which is understandable. i havent posted on here in forever

i still dont know why this place gets mad at me for how i look as if ive claimed to be th most Beautiful woman to exist. im not a selfposter and i havent attention whored in a long time

th ppl on her tiktok r in fact not mentally disabled they r pretty much all just discord creeps

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