tinker 07/18/2024 (Thu) 16:31 No.81642 del
if its about the homeless guy, i refused to call that rape bc to me i saw it as just being taken advantage of cuz it wasnt violent or anything, but then i talked to ppl online abt it and they told me it was rape, and then i was like yea that makes sense. Basically what happened was i ran away from home to this homeless youth org, where theyre supposed to help u and provide shelter, but they refused to help me cuz i didnt have my ids. This guy was standing outside the door listening to all of this and after i leave the room he follows me, and says i can stay at his hotel for a bit since i “have nowhere to go”. I assumed since he was homeless too it was a solidarity thing, like we were both struggling and he just wanted to help, which i know now is obv retarded but this was one of the first men i interacted with ever in my whole life. Anyways i get to the hotel n the minute the doors are closed he starts making th moves n its over for me, i try to turn him off once but fail n then dont know what to do. n whatever that was it. its also worth noting that this got him kicked out of the services from the homeless org for “potential sex trafficking” and he said that he liked me cuz he noticed i was “sad n vulnerable”. obviously to a normal person walking into a hotel is grounds to agree for sex at least thats what ive been told after but i genuinely did not know that. its whatever now, im over it i wouldnt call myself traumatized at all nor do i really care about if its rape or not its just a fucking word at the end of the day but u can draw ur own conclusions from it im tired of people saying i lie abt it for sympathy when i barely even talk abt it

regardless, im not the one doing the trolling so i dont rlly even know the full going ons of it. and yes im used to fucked up shit i think thats pretty obvious

i think that pic is kino i look male