Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:25 No.86019 del
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It was when my cat died, I had never cried so much in my life...
That day I had a nightmare and when I woke up I had a vision, for several seconds my entire room looked padded in a bluish color as if I lived inside a piece of furniture, that is, like a room more or less like a madhouse. There was furniture, but it didn't look ordinary or wonderful. Where my door is, there was a fireplace with cozy burning embers, and I felt that the blankets that wrapped me were decorated and detailed with a beauty I had never seen; from a perfect crimson red that looked like it was made of glitter. My feelings went from protection to amazement and suddenly from confusion to disappointment and obviously ended in fear. It was the most beautiful experience of all that was born from the saddest. Suddenly everything became disenchanted as if I was discovered between partial and different veils and I returned to reality and no, I was not drugged.