Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 13:19 No.87026 del
Pretty rich to call me fallacious when your entire "argument" relies entirely on subjective value, and you did not refute anything I said. Meanwhile I refuted everything you said, including your blatant misunderstanding of something very simple that I wrote.

I just want you to know that, no matter what, no matter how many times you greentext people on here, no matter how many times you post more ragebait from your boomer Facebook groups, no matter how much you get angry at me for being able to knock you down a peg or two, that I am happier than you, more fulfilled than you, healthier than you, and definitely far more successful than you. You will be tempted to respond in a dismissive manner that makes you feel superior to me, thinking that by pretending to not care that you have "won" this exchange (faulty perception of interaction in the first place). But guess what? I have made genuine love. I am lean and muscular. I have a career. I don't spend every day convincing myself that half of the entire population is innately more susceptible to corruption.

I am happy. You are not. I win. Suck my dick, real nice and slow now. You're not a virgin anyway, so it makes no difference, right?