Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 11:00 No.89058 del
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Seething over her letterboxd is the weirdest shit, and I've noticed that only ESL Brazilians do it. The deepfake AI anon claims to not be from the southern hemisphere but revealed himself as being a Braziltard with a letterboxd screenshot and his broken english in an r9k thread the other day. Why? What's the point in refreshing her account for weird movies every day if you hate the movies and just end up spastically seething over the fact that she likes them? I genuinely don't get it.

She's been demoted from egirl to mostly offline normie for like three years now and people are still trying working themselves into fits over her existence. Are these autists secretly obsessed with her but trying to cope with her unattainability by replacing the sadness with rage? There's no other explanation I can think of to intentionally seek out more of someone you hate, unless you actually secretly love them. What do they actually want and hope to gain from these behaviors? They're just making themselves more obsessed, not less. It has no effect on her and only has a negative effect on them.