nuke 08/13/2024 (Tue) 12:35 No.89924 del
he was 19, him and I still talk and remain good friends, he has nothing against me and knew I wasnt to blame. All the videos have been leaked, I'm in none of them. Whenever you faggots seethe about me, it's never about that, its about me going to the beach, videos of me at my old job, videos of me playing a pimp on tiktok, harmless innocuous shit you faggots seethe endlessly about. There are literally hundreds of thousands of more interesting lolcows who are actually lolcows. I'm just some guy and tinker is just some girl. If we're such massive lolcows, go ahead and make a KF thread. But again, if you did that, no one would post in it and the mods would remove it because theres simply nothing there.