Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 19:11 No.90519 del
Only some of what you’re saying is true. She lived with both her dad and mom for a while when she was a kid but they divorced when she was still in elementary school. She wasn’t adopted by a spic either, it was an actual Spaniard from Spain, so, white adoptive family.

These are the most retarded questions I have ever fucking read here.
1. Why is ANYONE adopted? Why would anyone here know the reasons why her dad’s birth mother gave him up for adoption and why some guy from Spain wanted to adopt a baby?
2. Ken isn’t adopted. She used to post about spending weekends with her dad as a young teen. Her parents divorced when she was still in elementary school.

She’s gone out of her way to avoid posting any kind of information about her dad for a long time, so no idea what it’s like now. Based on some old tumblr posts, it seemed like she loves him but he’s severely mentally ill with a history of violence.