Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 14:06 No.90606 del
The situation of women not knowing where to eat is an excellent example of what happens when women have power without responsibility.
They have the power to refuse any of the man's suggestions, but not the responsibility to make a suggestion herself, or to manage the date (accommodate the other person, move along with the date, etc.).
So men have to deal with this retarded situation where they could easily fix the problem if they had the power, but we have to go through this whole song and dance of pretending women are equals, while repeatedly displaying extremely immature behaviors.
Being fussy, a picky eater, refusing to wait (for the food to cook), eating whatever's put in front of them, being upset when hungry, and screaming at you and pouting when they don't get their way, are all behaviors or a spoiled infant.
And on a deeper level, the inability to communicate, express herself, compromise, etc. are also signs of being developmentally delayed.
Not to mention the retarded delusional insanity of women thinking that if someone else suggests an "unhealthy" meal, then that's the other person's fault and the calories "don't count". Kinda like how women are fine with being sluts, or doing weird shit in the bedroom, as long as they can rationalize that it was the man's idea.