Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 09:21 No.93989 del
im on the train rnrn and i have a hat on! ill try it when i get back home. i have a twintail pic before i got my hair cut, lemme find it when im not around a lot of ppl!

also yep ive always had a switch since day one for botw! i dont play many games tho.
i have mk8 that i play w housemates sometimes (we NEED more joycons), i have animal crossing but it got so boring the moment tiktok normies found it and i have towerfall ascension. i used to share some games from this friends account but we dont talk anymore (i met her in 8th grade from overwatch lol shes a medicine student naow)
im debating it so much... i wanna grow my hair because ive more so had short hair since college but long hair is so fkin hard to deal with and heavy and i only like straight hair so its more work for it too... uhhhhh i like my short hair a lot and i hadnt have a bob in a long time (since like 9 or 10th grade) (ill try to find a pic later) IDKKKK its so hard to decidee