Anonymous Board volunteer 09/07/2024 (Sat) 02:47 No.94319 del
Honestly, I think some of you guys are being a little uncharitable and should give this girl more of a chance. These threads feel to me like a positive addition to the board and will be good for activity. I really don't think Kay being posted here is a problem at all.
I also want to clarify that she didn't create this thread nor has she self-posted here at all. As well I want to note that there are numerous regular long-time users of the board engaging and interacting positively in this thread.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and criticism is fair game, but the posters who enjoy the thread also have their rights. And you don't have an unmitigated or limitless right to attempt to disrupt or sabotage the thread for them, or harass other users off the board, and if this kind of behavior becomes excessive action will have to be taken. We really don't want a re-hash of what happened in the Ika threads.