Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 23:52 No.94634 del
>excited for that
Well then. First of all, thanks for making me cum HARD. It was extremely exciting to begin with and you did a great job. I never felt this way. A part of me wants you to know who I am, another doesn't.
I was impressed at how easily you implemented my advices, I mean I had noticed how insanely good you are at teasing in shorter clips but I didn't know you could deliver something this good the first time you tried.

You were very good at this
- connection to us, not only telling us what to do but also imagining what we are doing and how we feel. Telling us through questions was great, as you KNOW what we are doing but still don't want to make it feel like it's too obvious.
- being supportive and encouraging; some people are into degradation, humiliation, but I guess most people aren't. I'm not.
- telling us what YOU want so we can please you
- talking about precum (it was perfect timing for me), cum, shooting cum
- announcing the countdown so we know it's time
- talking in between the countdown, it's the best time to build up the release

Not that good
- the part on touching the tip so it can feel like touching the vagina, no it doesn't feel that way :) so yeah it was a bit weird but no big deal

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