Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 23:52 No.94845 del
>I pushed you away and bailed because you fucking smothered me. I won't lie, I miss your voice, I miss chilling with you and to an extent I miss the other shit too, but dude.... I fucking asked you not to play therapist for me, I asked you to back off about some shit, and you really scraped a nerve with your prying and I did what I had to to protect myself. I'm pretty fragile when it comes to certain things, and you know that.... You know it bothers me and idk why you're choosing to twist that fucking knife like a psyhcopath.
>You can sit there and downplay everything but please stop trying to make me seem like the bad guy for trying to do the right thing... You know what really happened, you know why it hurt me so deeply, and you know that what what you and I had was probably unhealthy to start with and rapidly got extremely unhealthy and was only going to get worse at the rate we were going. it really has nothing to do with the other situation, but you can think what you want."
This sounds less like a typical bpdemon playing their mindgames and like someone who you really shared something with. It sounds like you're both crazy tbh