cewl 09/09/2024 (Mon) 14:15 No.94945 del
yes i do, but i like to post for those who care. i dont care how many of people actually like me. i care that there are people that like me and want to see me, and im happy to deliver. please dont be mean like that.
none of that happened, im not a crackwhore, hes the one that made me do stuff when i wasnt in a position to say no, i never started talking about him, he always joined my threads still continuing to bully me. there is no gaslighting, everything is very clear. you just want men to be rightt all the time.
theres something clearly wrong with all of us but thats not the point.
theres no way he lvoed me because there is already someone he "loves"
he made this thread as a sorry but never mentions any sorry, he just always tries to make it seem like he was the one to do nothing wrong. how can even someone love someone with all this bullying? dont be stupid. he just wants to punch down to get some power fantasy out of it while saying things that are "romantic" so that it doesnt seem that way. if anything is gaslighting, this is.