Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 16:39 No.95011 del
I'm really just worried about Cewl but fuck it, maybe it will take some of the heat off of her, maybe not...
That's honestly kind of adorable. I'm starting to see why she keeps you guys around.
Start your little rumor if you want.
You can tell ppl about my dead kid and the retarded way I chose to cope, you can tell ppl what I'm into (that she's aware of, BBC, furry, blowjobs, and I may have mentioned I was into bestiality but that was more of a shitpost)
But sure, expose me tough guy.
Because I'm genuinely worried about her. I've been around mentally ill chicks my whole life. I've been accused of worse shit than e-rape and stalking, and frankly it doesn't bother me.
My dick has been deeper inside several women than your dick ever could.
Stop projecting lmao.
The kind of cringe faggot who comes up with a name in 10 seconds or less. I'm sure your tag is super cool and interesting.