cewj 09/09/2024 (Mon) 17:55 No.95130 del
i dont do anythinf like that i close my eyes and imagine people jerkinf ro me around me i dont do that i told you this in the joi voice he made me wafch it and i was disfusted but hr wouldnt turn it off because its the only thing he was getting off to even thouh i sent pictures hes a sick fuck he was trying to make me like that stuff he told me he would make me a degenarate bur he deleted rhe other acckunt so i cant screenshot thkse guys please will yku believe this pedro groomer loser with 2 divorces over me please im telling the trutb why do yoh always want me to be the bad guy in everytging i didnt do anything okease thar pixtuee of my pyssy was old i took it while i was takinf pics with the agTha written on my tits please thats the rhing that made me wet not some defensrate porn shit i dont like rhat pmease stop sayinf that so you guys reallt want me gone i will go if thats what you want i will delete wverything and fuck off