Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 19:21 No.95238 del
To me it's how she manifests both her mommy and daddy issues, oddly enough. We see how she behaves and how tough and independent she tries to carry herself and she's said a lot of the way she acts and even dresses herself reflect her father's influence and she's expressed as much. So she tries to be this edgy and tough girl but at the same time she says that pleasing people makes her not miserable so she tries to overcompensate the lack of motherly love she didn't get to receive since her mom passed away at a crucial time in her life by doing the stuff that's already been mentioned here, giving whoever she's with maybe a bit too much in terms of housing, sex, and stuff that's a bit unnatural since it's not normal at all to be this "giving" from the get-go. Hell, even her ex talked a lot about how she was willing to house him, have sex with him, pay for everything and do anything shortly after meeting, which she ended up doing.

So the point is that she feels the need to dote and care for someone, but without giving up her tomboyish aura of a strong independent woman. And the best target for this situation would be the people she usually ends up with, typically lonely but edgy and naive guys, and yeah, also younger than herself since that'd allow her to be a sort of motherly figure while retaining some sort of authority in terms of being older and having more life, sexual and academic experience. This also mixes in with whatever power imbalance fetish she has going on.

I'd go on a bit more since I'm a bit of an armchair psychologist who just loves to understand the human mind and the psyche but I feel I'm getting carried away but yeah I guess that's the gist of it. I've been following her for a while and she fascinates me more than anyone else here, I think a lot of her life events have shaped up her current and past actions and it's always fun to analyze what's going on.