Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 00:40 No.99362 del
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*sigh* This shit again? Really? Get some new material....

You all know the story of what happened, I won't bother repeating it and y'allst folx motherfuckers don't even believe me anyway.

let me just say this: Ironically, I actually did care about that girls wellbeing and never looked at her like I do with e-girls. Cewl, I literally was just using her from the beginning and she knew it but she ran with it because she knows that's all she's worth. if you really think I was was grooming Puka and yada yada let me just add that when I do see women as fuckmeat I work quick, I move on if I haven't gotten what I wanted within a week or two, and I really don't see looking at a girls vagina as worth potential prison time. That was months ago, and yet I'm still a free man. Where's your smoking gun, let alone any evidence other than puka turning on me after I inadvertently exposed her for talking to a known groomer in some misguided attempt at protecting her?

Anyway.... you know what I've realized since I stopped talking to that girl?
She's a master troll without even trying. Seriously, seeing what she does to the other e-girls is magnificent. Like I get it now, and i wish I would have seen it beforehand because i could have avoided a lot of butthurt over her and her situation.

e-girls wills will pretend to care about Pukas wellbeing and all that and claim they want her to fuck off purely as a morality thing, but it's not a morality thing, it's jealousy. Puka manages to get a ton of attention just by posting her face and being genuinely charming, and it isn't even a sexual for most of the guys. e-girls like Cewl have to post so many nudes and try so hard to get validation from guys it's embarrassing. These women know what they are, they know what men want, and it pisses them of that some little shit can do everything they do 100X better just by existing in their proximity...

At this point, I just kind of admire puka in the same way I admire bella the wolf. I find it incredibly awesome that a highschool girl can cause so many people to seethe so hard with such little effort. I would never approach bella the wolf, or puka at this point(or anyone similar to her), but it's just amazing how every time someone says something about either of them it's either some bs "Oh I pity her" or a personal attack about what a piece of shit either of them are.