Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 21:37 No.99743 del
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You know... That... actually checks out.

Like maybe it was all really an act but I've been around girls like Cewl before and it all seemed way too genuine.
Trannyzilla probably got wind of me and started getting really threatening and controlling with her because the Cewl I knew at that point would have just been happy to see me again, hurt, but just glad she was talking to me again and would want to hear my voice as much as i wanted to hear hers.
Instead she immediately got on some psycho shit with me and found out that there is always a bigger fish.

Hell from the sounds of it I was a real piece of shit when she pushed me too far, but maybe I saved her from a far greater evil.

ngl, part of me wishes shit didn't go how it did.... But God damn it's been fun.