Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 21:42 No.99752 del
You gotta chill bruh, I know shit gets too serious in your head when you just want to escape into fantasy with girls but there’s more than that to life. Get off the screen more often. Dead serious. Didn’t read your other posts in full but this one at least sounds human enough for me to finish it. Which means there is hope for you. You probably need to stop watching porn altogether and eat better. Also get a job because having no structure in your life will always make you a lot worse of a person in general and most people aren’t able to create their own structure.

Cewl is a young woman having retarded fun times on the internet. I get why you feel like your balls got busted unfairly but it’s part of the game and you should’ve known better than to expect anything else from someone who posts nudes publicly and shoots H. No offense to Cewl whatsoever, I think she’s funny and smart most of the time. But seriously. Wisen up.