cirnob8 #m5LuX7 01/13/2019 (Sun) 23:45:41 No.11 del
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U need a program 2 "mine" bitcoins. Basically, ur computer waits 4 some1 2 do a bitcoin transaction, then, it needs 2 do this extremely long math equation. If ur computer does the math equation b4 any1 else, u get rewarded with a bitcoin. The bigger the graphics card, the bigger are ur chances 4 ur computer 2 do the math equation b4 any1 else. That's the basic way 2 explain it. If u don't have a good computer, what some ppl do is buy bitcoins with money, wait 4 the value 2 rise up and then sell them. Of course, this was a bad idea, as the price kept going up and down and caused the pink wojak's from 4/biz/ 2 happen. Alternatively, u could also use a "bitcoin mining service". Basically, u buy a plan, and for 1 year, u get 2 use some1 else's high power computer 2 mine the bitcoins 4 u. Only problem is they take a percentage of ur bitcoins.

>Is it even worth it to get into it now?
YES! Crypto is basically money that the government hasn't gotten his hands in2 yet. So no matter how much crypto u have, u don't need 2 pay any taxes!