Anti-Natalism? Anonymous 08/22/2017 (Tue) 19:56:46 No. 2 del
Note [I took these excerpts from previous comments who describe it better than I can]

"What is Anti-Natalism?"

"Antinatalism, or anti-natalism, is a philosophical stance that assigns a negative value to birth. The term "antinatalism" is in opposition to the term "natalism" or "pro-natalism". Antinatalists argue that people should refrain from procreation because it is immoral."

"Antinatalism" is the ethical position that having children is an intrinsically antimoral act, and therefore people should refrain from having children as much as possible.

Arguments for this belief include:

the recognition that overpopulation on a planet with limited resources threatens the wellbeing of all people (indeed, all life);
the position that life contains suffering and children cannot choose to be brought into life, thus by having children one is imposing suffering on someone who cannot choose to avoid it; and
the position that because life invariably ends in death, creating a new life one is invariably condemning that life to death, which is morally wrong."