Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 07:54:21 No.2830 del
>they'd magically create a music genre that Whites would flock to
you mean like jazz in the 20's or hiphop in the last 30 years? damn dude run it through your head before you press enter.
folk and country may have been part of it but blues was the main predecessor to rock, literally every rock song in the 50s followed what's now called 12 bar blues. European music culture was all about form and structure, the emphasis on syncopation and improvisation came from African music. the actual good rock music (the 70s) would've never happened with only European roots.
don't get me wrong I have no delusions about 13/50 or muh racial equity but just I call it how I see it. you're on some next level stormfront shit.

we all know Ashley made exceptions where it applied [Embed]