Anonymous 08/27/2022 (Sat) 22:46 No.5793 del
Actually you are correct. I no longer eat meat and I haven't consumed soda in years. I usually get my pizza with a lot of vegetables or just cheese like a little girl. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the taste of meat. However, I have cut out a lot of unhealthy foods from my diet and meat, in my opinion, is one of them. How most meat is sourced is nasty when you look into it. Animals are treated in awful conditions, which is something I disagree with since I have a fondness for animals, and they load these animals up with a bunch of BS. Things like hormones, antibiotics, steroids. They give them this stuff so the animals survive. They live in such shit conditions that they wouldn't survive or grow much without drug aid. And all that goes into your mouth. Hearing and seeing how they slaughter animals is heart breaking. I have lived just fine without meat, in fact, it's made me more conscious on healthy foods I should eat. I don't ever feel starved. Plus, fasting is actually good for you. It has a lot of health benefits and is something most people should try out here and there. It's a myth we need to eat 3 meals a day -- this myth is formed around the slave work day.

I know not supporting the meat industry triggers people for some reason, I think because it's hard to admit to yourself that how the animals are treated is wrong. For some, it's easier to live in denial or be proud of the fact they support awful conditions. I am partly a hypocrite because I still eat cheese, and this is something I'd like to change soon. I'm not someone who will scream at you for eating meat, because that only causes more divide. I would like to advocate for people to be more conscious about where their meals come from and what the meat industry is like behind closed doors, but I am like this when it comes to most food production. I won't scream at someone for eating corn syrup, but I do think it's a good idea to know why it isn't great for you and how it's in most processed foods.