Anonymous 08/28/2022 (Sun) 12:53 No.5829 del
>humans are omnivores for a reason
This has been something up for debate. It isn't as clear cut as most think. I honestly don't believe we are naturally omnivores for this one reason: We do not have claws or sharp teeth. Our nails and teeth are very dull. We always need tools to kill an animal. However, animals like lions are able to kill other animals with what's naturally on them, such as sharp, strong nails and very sharp teeth. Plus, most humans do not eat meat like actual carnivores. All humans cook their meat. Most humans are repulsed by raw meat; not a very carnivorous thing to do.

>There isn't always going to be the access to just edible plants
Plants are easier to grow and harvest in a very small span of time and in a smaller amount of space. Of course, it will depend on your climate, but you can even grow plants in your own bedroom if you desire. Most mass produced meat is grown for a few years up until slaughter.

>But aren't farmable plants covered in pesticides and other wacky chemicals?
Yes, and are GMOs. You can buy organic foods, but they still use pesticides. You have to look into what brands you're purchasing, start asking questions. I would suggest visiting a farmers market and ask the people you're buying from directly. You're supporting local farmers, a job which is being washed out of existence thanks to Billy Gates. You can also just grow your own food, then you have control over what is going into your food. Filtered water, natural pesticide measures, etc.

>Do plants not suffer in their own way?
As far as I'm aware, some plants communicate in order to further produce more plants. Say an apple gets picked off of a tree, the tree is aware it needs to produce more fruit. If a tree (Willow, Acacia, Poplars) senses that it's leaves are getting eaten, it will produce a chemical secretion on it's leaves, which will make the leaves taste bitter. Mushrooms are also very advanced in communication. However, when you're eating the mushroom you are eating what is essentially the penis to the mushroom. You are not killing the primary "body" of the fungi, the mycelium. The mycelium is the real body.