Anonymous 09/08/2022 (Thu) 17:57 No.6269 del
How many times do we have to repeat for you that it's because he has to pull back his foreskin? Not only are you dense, but you're also cut due to your huge misunderstanding about foreskin. It doesn't get infected easily. You would have to go a pretty long time without showering for build up. You just clean it in the shower, takes two seconds. Pull the skin back, wash the head with soap for a second, rinse, and you're done. Just like you should do. It's not this huge burden like the jews convinced you. Might as well pull out all your teeth since those can get cavities if you never brush. Also, your penis head should stay slightly moist. It's weird you cut dudes think it should be dry. Is it disgusting to you that your eyeballs must stay slightly moist in order to properly function?