NEET 11/07/2023 (Tue) 07:36 No.766996 del
(211.50 KB 1280x960 Lebensraum west.jpg)
dropped off some spars at the summer camp and boosted supplies for summer. Also went on a date and got hearty laffs when I was chatting up some israeli jewesses backpacking the hell away from the ill winds of war. one of them was wearing athleisure wear and had a very holocaustable camel toe. Sadly they were paranoid as all get out, its tough to pick up when you're wearing bloused gorka pattern combat pants with Crye™ Precision gen 2 knee pads and Austrian alpine combat boots. If I had a bit more time I'd show them I was one of the good Nazis, you know, give a bit of my soup and a bread crust to their great grandmother in auschitwtz. Oh well, they probably had lice anyway.
Heil Hitler