NEET 05/01/2024 (Wed) 07:44 No.848245 del
My confidence has gone to shit since my barber JUSTED me. And I'm under a lot of pressure to get a long term gf sorted as I am turning 25 this year after which time it'll be far harder to get an undergrad gf. I don't know how I'd find one outside of uni. I'd be reduced to either dating apps (fuck that) or spamming girls irl at Rundle mall or something. None of that is appealing. I am angry thinking how different my life could've been if I'd stuck with Kate in highschool and gotten into the navy. I'd be all sorted with everything.
The weather is getting warmer so its getting harder to style a beanie. I'm going to play around with it tonight and try to find an outfit that will work for tomorrow. Fucking barber ought to give me one of his granddaughters to marry after this lol. It is probably the only thing he could do that'd get me to forgive him. Although plenty of young men in Ukraine are getting buzzcuts against their will and I'd rather be in my position so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.