NEET 05/01/2024 (Wed) 11:12 No.848385 del
No. Good Customers ring and a drop off their cabon bikes to be fixed in a few days.

The worst customers are always the 60yo guy "who used to be a machinist" who tried fix it himself, who isnt intelligent enough to fix it himself and too much of a pov cunt to pay a professional to fix it properly

also karens, i am still steaming after a karen just rocked up with two beach cruisers last friday and said they absolutley had to be ready for a ride she and a friend were riding to to an even on satuday, Literally dropped work on 10k carbpon bikes to fit this bitch in and she was a no ahow on saturday and might pick them up on friday if she feel like it.

Fucking boomers man. TheY all need the FENTANLYL CHAIR.