NEET 05/16/2024 (Thu) 08:29 No.853510 del
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Cunts whizzing past me on the way home from wage riding the dunga with only one working gear, fukn sick of being stranded without a car. Very low IQ swarthoid crew at the office absolutely bored shitless and thinking about buying a working car. E mailed the guy with the station wagon 4 sale and checked the bus timetable. Had an opportunity to abuse the Pay-e-scooter battery crew, the retard zoomer kept saying "oh Nice" when I was telling him how many I had chucked off overpasses and how I was gonna make a powerwall at home from the scooter batterys I was gonna boost and how his job is to put dog shit on foot paths. The builders rubbish is still on the lawn of the pajeet rental across the street. Had some metamucil because my guts are still not right, that shit turns into gel in seconds, its crazy difficult to drink. gonna get the calculator out after I made my lunch for teh wage tmrw, see if I can make two cars work.