NEET 06/24/2024 (Mon) 03:39 No.867212 del
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Barry was beaming when I finally got there after I gave up on the bus and walked for an hour. He insisted on taking me for a test drive and kept saying how its like a new car now after got dyno'd twice and the computer fuel thingo got re-programmed and the sensor I changed got changed again. He was a bit violent with the acceleration and rough with the gear shifting throwing it around the roundabouts and said the engine was bulletproof when i asked if i should be driving like its a race car. I thanked him and paid $2500 and he gave me a speech about how he should have charged me lots more but he wanted to do a proper job He said to bring the wagon in and he would work on it when I'm ready. Barry is a aussie legend and standup Aryan although I suspect hes deep down a confused civnat instead of a white nationalist and would do the same great job for a non-white who came in, but I could be wrong, he was probably happy to do a better job for an owner who left the car with him no stress.

Went to the nuts and bolts shoppe to get some supplies to put the tub back in. Barry went in from under the ute to change the sensor instead of lifting the tray off. The shoppe didnt have two of the items I wanted even though they should have, but I didn't argue because the some of the boomers who work there have been in 'nam.

Went to the bull bar place and dropped another down payment, hassled them to get it in grey instead of black. The salesman said he would ask again.

might open teh bonnet and have a look.