NEET 07/24/2024 (Wed) 05:07 No.878094 del
I took out about 40k last financial year, which I didnt pay tax on, so now owe 1/3 of it back to the ato.
I need to talk to an agent. The new worker costs 1500 a fortnight, thats with super. Take home is about 900-1000 per fort for 30 hrs. Which is fine. As long as I dont touch it it wont get taxed, so what I make I leave in the business account and that will be used to pay expenses like her. But she doesn't produce any money so I need to allocate about as much as I make in 2 days to pay for her 3 days. Unfortunately I'm a dumb lazy cunt so she's getting paid to sit without a caseload because I need to make up some sort of handover and schedule of tasks I want her to do but haven't.