NEET 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:29 No.878954 del
>normie slop
What is this even meant to mean? IGA's cooking is much nicer than the pajeet made goyslop that fatso lives off. And the point being made here is that IGA is a better cook than nuro which upsets nuro.
>milk crate in his hovel
numpty lives in a toilet after being evicted from a sharehouse for frying shit. IGA is not in a worse position.
>only pull desperate poojeetas
Very poor neetlore. Besides, mongk is still talking to women and having some interaction. Nuro just goes to the beach and stares at women like a horny pajeet. I'm not saying that monk is a slick womaniser or that IGA is some brilliant chef - I'm saying they are better at those tasks than nuro is which he hates.