NEET 08/03/2024 (Sat) 18:12 No.881913 del
You cannot fathom how i suffer. Right now i have difficulty swallowing. I hate this piss of shit country and this commie healthcare. I go to a doctor and if they dont immediatly figure out what is wrong they will give up or just send me to some other place and then they will keep sending me back to eachother and just doing nothing. Fucking hate my life. Where can i find a doctor that cares (that will take my money but atleast fix my damn problems)
Every day is another day of pure unadulterated suffering. My family never understands it. My doctors never unsderstand it. I wish i was born in the USA. I might be in debt but atleast they would probably find whats wrong with me
Oh and im not from the fucking UK. The flag shows up wrong. Fuck this piss of shit country