NEET 08/04/2024 (Sun) 07:31 No.882134 del
The Great Australian Dream
A quarter acre house block, the great Australian dream,
just the bare essentials, working as a team.
Happy with their placement, content with what they had,
timber framed with masonite, all asbestos clad.
Mowers on the uptake, every Sunday morn’,
a muster of the neighbourhood, cricket on the lawn.
Family garden out the back, veggies by the score,
everyone in unison, couldn’t want for more.
Proud of their surroundings, parents took the lead,
mobs of rows to cultivate, water and to weed.
A way of life for many, the outdoors their domain,
looking back they had it all, but nothing stays the same.
Housing’s unattainable, building blocks are few,
tear’m down and start again, cut-’em into two.
A corner block in Northfield, twenty twenty four,
a million dollar minimum, to get you through the door.

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