NEET 10/15/2024 (Tue) 01:59 No.910303 del
(36.48 KB 713x401 frogs-movies.jpg)
Calling all /ausneets/ kino experts! Time for the womboflix kino selection committee to meet and decide on what films to watch on womboflix next. You know the drill - nominate a movie to be added to the list, or vote for a movie already on the list to be played:

The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Midnight Run (1988)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Beaches (1988)
American Psycho(2000)
Once Upon A Time In Holywood(2019)
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop(1991)
Ex Machina(2014)
Back To The Future (1985)

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