Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 07:07 No.53302 del
(32.92 KB 440x440 1695609246032220.jpg)
i first saw you post on bant
i haven't used it until i found this thread and i will say it looks good, maybe you could fill the space on the sides with some stuff, either qol things or just expand the post window so it looks less empty

i will be honest i didnt get how the subtopics things would work at first because i didn't see "subtopics" written on the side panel (my bad -.-) so i thought it would be something dumb like a post having the name of the subtopic next to it but still being mixed in with everything else, it's a good idea imo, it will help keeping the place clean by separating what would be the equivalent of generals on 4chan from more generic posts

one thing, i dont know if this is an issue on my end, or if it's because it's still unimplemented but the subtopics panel has some "..." buttons which i assume are there to open a hamburger menu, however they don't seem to be functional

good luck