Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 17:30 No.53909 del
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Halloween is coming up, and this is a cult classic horror film some movie enthusiasts might be interested watching...

The Hills Have Eyes (1977). An average suburban family is traveling on vacation enroute to Los Angeles with their dogs and their trailer. When they are in the middle of the vast Nevada desert they start running low on fuel and need to stop for more gas. When they reach a small rural gas station the owner warns them to keep on the main road, to absolutely avoid taking any detours and to avoid the surrounding areas. The father dismisses the gas station owner's warnings as an old kook's rambling conspiracy theory and decides to take a shortcut. When they skid off the road and crash, they have no option but to camp out in the nearby area at night. Their dogs are the first to notice something dangerous and hostile is lurking in the surrounding mountainous terrain. Unaware and caught off-guard at first, the family is being stalked by local inbred savages who often rape and murder trespassers, also engaging in acts of cannibalism. The family must find ways to survive until they can seek refuge and be rescued.