Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 03:15 No.20323 del
1. Screencapping random posts won't automatically be me, so that was not even what I asked you. Dumbass.
I know what a wet dream is, but I think that's what you do it spontaneously and that you experience puberty.
2. It's not a meme to explain my fucking current self compared to my past. It's not a meme to call you out either, I hate you. You're obsessive, stalky, and creepy.
The fact that you repeat yourself often and not admit to your mistakes like a normal person is just awful. You're a careless piece of shit. Your actions are not justifiable. Had you never met me or wanted to "date" me, I would've been living life perfect. But a lready I am, because this is my last post to your irredeemable ass.
I've told you numerous times to stop saving my work, stop finding me on the same 2 sites each day and every year.
I told you genuinely, that I do not want you.
You're 90 years old and you're actively wasting your own time going after one person who's not a creep, and is smarter than you.
You also stole one of my mutual's art too, of my own character. You're gross.
How the fuck is it vague to make a post that's more coherent than "skibid ohio rizzler" crap?
>if only we and
Yeah, you're not just drunk. You're ALSO vague. How's that for logic, idiot?