Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 21:44 No.20642 del
>stinko pooniverse
i know what come next lol

“Amethyst, you are revolting!” Pearl looked at her with disdain across the kitchen’s countertop.

In the small house, her slurping and gagging at the stack of flapjacks covered in motor oil was echoed and amplified. Luckily Steven was spending the day with Connie and didn’t need to bear witness to the act. What a disgusting role-model she makes, Pearl thought, and kept her arms firmly crossed.

“Mmphgrrraa?” she said between sickening, greasy bites. A large glop fell between her cleavage and stained her gem as she smacked.

“Ugghh!” Pearl rolled her eyes and stuck her nose to the ceiling. “Honestly, the way you conduct yourself is absolutely abhorrent. Why do humans even like to hang out with you?”

Amethyst swallowed and shrugged, “Eh, I dunno. Maybe cause I’m semi-relatable, instead of being a neurotic cupcake like someone I know. Besides, I make sure to clean up where it counts…”

“And where is that exactly? Certainly not that junkpile room of yours.” Taking up a cloth Pearl began to scrub at the offending marks off the tile island. It was everywhere.

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