Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 16:59 No.20739 del
those screenshots was est timezone geordie so that means you was online at 1 am 3 am 6 am 12 pm your time whereas there is 2 8 hour periods a day where i work and sleep so never post at all so this must be your usual opposite talk
the person who is online all day and night in the middle of a working week is not the one who is terminally online
>No normal person
lol i never said i was normal
nobody you met on imageboards is normal
that dont mean i cant have a job tho bro
>Stop doing this.
lol no i am within my rights to screencap anything you post to a public site
>I don't like you.
ye thats life geordie
you will meet people you dont like
>I actually want you gone
i left 4chit and you have it all to yourself but you followed me here
thats a really bad way to make me gone lol
>I'll legally file
geordie i am begging you

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