Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 07:31 No.21614 del

Top Ten Social Tips for People with Autism

Never, under any circumstances barring an absolute emergency, speak to anyone on the phone.

Always use the ‘Self Service’ check out at the supermarket to avoid unnecessary human interaction.

If a person has repeated themselves three times and you still haven’t understood them, just nod, give a small laugh and hope to God it wasn’t a question.

Make sure everyone understands that even though you won’t actually attend them, you’d still appreciate being invited to parties.

Resign yourself to the fact that if something amusing occurs to you while you’re alone in a public place, you will have no option but to laugh hysterically for no discernible reason, making you appear to be clinically insane.

Should the doorbell ring unexpectedly when you’re alone in the house, remain perfectly quiet and still until whoever’s there has left.

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