Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 11:40 No.22491 del
>Tis just Yonkers making his shit up as he go-
I didn't make up anything when you said you wanted to date me back on 9chan.
How about nochatbot.
LMFAO bro i'm actually yonkers, not klim.
just because i say my points about being compared to a legit controversial weirdo doesnt mean im some random old man, plus klim isnt intelligent to know literally anything. HE REPEATS HIMSELF, and I do not.
It's not a delusional lie unlike your Toilet Man series.
You need to be stabbed in the back just like Chris.
>gotta love the-
Kill yourself, please. You're disgusting, sickening, repulsive for an "old man". No one likes you. Not even Joe Biden likes you.
I am not lying when I say my actual history dates.
>duhhh parrot-

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