Klom##SAY7BM 02/06/2024 (Tue) 13:59 No.22496 del
OK... let's use Yonkers' own logic and rationale in response, shall we? That should drive him into 100% full sperg rage.

>Wanted to date me
The past is irrelevant to what is happening now. Stop bringing up the past.
Please stop repeating yourself by using the same innane arguement endlessly, when it has been proven to be incorrect.
>Toilet Man
Why do you keep bringing up the past when it has got nothing to do with now?
>Kill yourself
Please stop telling people to self-harm. That is wrong and I will not allow it.
You are not my friend, my boy friend or my lover. Stop saying this from now on. Don't do it again. I mean no this time.


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