Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 18:02 No.23838 del
(27.68 KB 804x253 braaaaap.png)
lol i aint see geordie talking to people on his dead board until that thread where people highlighted it
better bring it over to a board people post on
>and yes i quit your stupid baaa2 board
dont look like he quit very well do it
addiction a bitch lol
>eventually other people will too. because its nothing but a failure excuse of harassing someone who's not even stupid and has done better already.
the boy know a lot about failure
he an expert
>like... i'm not replying to trolls
this prime opposite talk
he still at that ay
>your stinky board
the board who like pzds is the stinky one
baaa2 is stinkyphobic and thats why you hate it
>but alas, baaa2 is beyond help.
and yet he still want to spend all his time here instead of his dead board

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