Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 22:07 No.29616 del
>you gotta stop calling out an elderly man for being questionable to my face pictures, stealing art and more
>you gotta stop telling corrupt people that violate your boundaries NOT to do said thing
Fuck off.
>durrr being on the spectrum isn't nor-
It.... actually is?? How is that fucking insanity to be autistic. You're fucking moronic.
>you come across a total a-
Pot calling the kettle black. The sheer hypocrisy of you doing the same exact thing. By that logic you should stop replying to me and being weird.
You mean for fuck sake? Who's "people" again? Your imaginary friends? I'm not schizo like you Klimmyboy. I'm *in* my right mind unlike yours cuz i don't repeat myself nor mock innocent individuals; something you're doing.