Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 13:40 No.31410 del
Just an FYI Thalia, the reason why macker has a blue tag on 8chan is because he types "sage" in the email field. Anyone can do it. You can type anything in the email field, and your tag will become blue.

When you type "sage" in the email field, the thread you replied to doesn't get bumped to the top of the board. Yonkers uses "sage" in the email field to express his dislike of the thread he is replying to. When you stated that yonkers didn't have a blue tag because he was probably on a different device, this is factually incorrect. He could have simple neglected to type "sage" in the email field.

sage (下げ, さげ) (sah gey) is a conjugated form of the japanese word for "lower (verb)". The first "chan" style board was japanese (2ch), so most chan's have Japanese words for certain functions. English speaking chans have kept this tradition as a kind of skeuomorphism.